People come to me to teach them about singing; how to make their singing voices "better". Often when I hear that they don't think they are good enough, I give my usual lecture about how our voices are uniquely our own and that we all are worthy to share our stories with others through song. I say competition is for the birds.
The singing competition shows of the last 10 plus years have unearthed the desire to sing, to be heard, but it's also provided us with comparisons and voices to “measure up to,” or not. Again, I say, nonsense! All of our voices have value!
When I made the link from my lecture on the value of each individual’s voice to my feelings of unworthiness about writing a blog, I felt like I'd been bonked in the head. Duh! What I have to say matters.
So: here it is. My first blog post on how I'm afraid of writing, much the way some of you are afraid of singing. You sing anyway. And, I'm inspired to witness you face your fears and proud to see you perform in spite of them. So, I will write.
I hated writing papers in school. I wanted to get it right. Writing my thoughts? Eek! Scary. Are people judging me? (I ask, quickly scanning for sentences that might end in a preposition.) I don't write. I sing. And, if I'm honest, I’m not just afraid of writing, I also have this fear of not being a good enough singer, too. I preach about valuing and not comparing our voices, but it's there in the back of my mind. I know you have that doubting voice in your head too.
The judging voice isn't as strong as it used to be, but it creeps in occasionally. I'm learning to get a handle on "her" fear and criticism and sing, perform and write anyway. The more I listen to others for enjoyment and not with judgment, the quieter it gets. Funny: It is easy to believe in you, believe in your gifts, but harder to believe in my own. Maybe the more I believe in my gifts, my artistry, my value, myself... the judging voice will barely be there.
Welcome to my blog on singing and life; they are the same for me. Oh, and I took my first song-writing class this summer. It's been a big year for me! - thanks for joining me.